Preparing for power disruption

VoiceHost operates within designated ‘Critical National Infrastructure’. This means that our network is housed within data centers that are not only protected from planned power cuts but operate with power redundancy built in. 

For example, both Telehouse and Equinix in the UK have either on-site private dual primary substations (N+N) connected at 132kV to supplier authority lines or N+1. All operate with UPS and Diesel generator backups with guaranteed fuel supply contracts. 

Our head office has UPS and Generator backup.

We have reviewed all our network partners' provisions to ensure service availability is maintained throughout our product set.

Free Twinning 

With effect from 01/11/22, the Hosted PBX twinning fee is removed permanently. Customers can twin extensions to mobiles without having to bear call forwarding costs. 

How should customers prepare for disruption? 

Customers should configure inbound failover within their control panel if not already. Our support team is ready to assist you with this. 
UPS systems are strongly recommended, and we have secured some great pricing and products. Our team will happily offer advice and talk through your own plans to help you stay connected and prepare.

Simon has been with VoiceHost for 10+ years and his management duties include company and network operations, regulatory affairs, compliance, research and data analysis.